A spoiler…


Did I mention that back in prehistory FOB & MOB got married? Although the last 25 years have shot past (well let’s be precise – the last 24 years and 3 months) I can still remember our wedding day like it was yesterday. OK I can’t remember yesterday as well I as should for a person my age; but my wedding day was certainly memorable and I truly wish that B’s will be as well.

One of the most memorable parts of my own wedding was the ceremony itself. I know that Birmingham register office (or at least the one that existed then) was neither romantic nor spectacular and Birmingham had yet to be reincarnated as the cultural hub it is today. It wasn’t the location that provided the memories, it was the audience (does one have an audience at a wedding?) It is traditional to have your close family as guests and we were no different, and like many families, young and old were there alike, giving us the support which we truly welcomed.

One toddler in particular stood out that day I think she was bored and may have been hungry or due for a nap or demonstrating early onset of the “terrible twos”. She had been silent while we were travelling to the venue and while waiting for our allotted time, she was probably working herself up to the ceremony, nerves maybe.

As soon as the proceedings began she started to complain, as best an 18 month old toddler can. As well as demonstrating her ability to compete with the best Swiss yodellers she also revealed the optimal method for removing fluff, dust and dirt from the carpet. I must say a smart white sailor suit works wonders. Despite her parents best efforts to restrain her she stole the show, even clinging to my leg as I recited my vows. Naturally once the ceremony was completed and we were released as a married couple into the world to stand on the pavement for pictures in a cold Birmingham drizzle she was quiet once again.

Still it made for a memorable ceremony and now she’s getting married I can’t help thinking it’s time to get my own back.

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